Monday, May 2, 2011

I promise not to slack :)

Okay I'm hopping back on the blog train and this time I promise not to jump off. Like the new title? I'm not going to be doing any swimsuit modeling anytime soon!! I am going to try to post regularly about food, exercise, weight loss, and my NEW SUPER FUN JOB as a Beachbody coach! Today I'm pretty pleased the workout was great, Insanity Pure Cardio and Turbo Fire HIIT 15. The food choices were good, I had my Shakeology which sets me up for success! I am going to TRY to be a daily blogger make this into sort of a food/exercise journal that y'all can follow and give some insight into what it takes to go from baby body to beach body! :)


  1. Danielle - LOVE the new blog and the layout is so fun and vibrant! The font is kind of hard to read, however. Not sure if it is just my browser?? Can't wait to keep following!

  2. That's what my husband said too, I'm going to try to adjust the size! Thanks for following :).
